
Oy! Apakah kamu mahasiswa yang saat ini sedang mencari kesempatan untuk berkarya dan berkontribusi untuk pendidikan di Indonesia?

Kalo iya, maka kamu adalah kandidat yang cocok untuk ikut internship Mhysa Learning! 😉

Kami kembali membuka recruitment internship untuk posisi:
 Linkedin Coordinator
– Tiktok Content Creator
Graphic Designer
– Content Planner
– Copywriter
Marketing Manager
Marketing Staff
Business Development Manager
Business Development Staff
Product Designer Manager

*semua dilaksanakan secara ONLINE (Work from home)

Media & Marketing Dept.

Direct Team Leader : Social Media Manager

  • LinkedIn Coordinator

Job Description

– Handle Linkedin account (post daily, interact with followers)

– Brainstorm, plan, and develop ideas for daily content

– Maintain the growth of Linkedin account

Requirements :

– Understand the system of Linkedin (insights, algorithm, etc)

– Understand the content that fits Linkedin

  • TikTok Content Creator

Job Description :

– Brainstorm, plan, and develop ideas for daily content

– Handle Tiktok account (post, edit, etc)

– Create videos about Mhysa Learning, the programs, and also other trending topic in general

– Promote Mhysa Learning’s programs

 Requirements :

– Understand the trends in Tiktok (system, insights analytics)

– Familiar with creating contents in Tiktok

  • Graphic Designer

Job Description

-Design the content for social media based on the content planning (instagram, linkedin, etc)

– Design content needed for other departments (poster, brochure, pamphlete)

– Participate in design and graphics for social media and website.

 Requirements :

– familiar with content designing softwares (Ai, Ps, Corel, Canva is fine),

– Creative,

– Friendly with deadline,

– Able to work rapidly

  • Content Planner

Job Description

– Develop, plan, and schedule social media content for daily post in Instagram

– Generate new ideas in the content production

– Willing to conduct the online research,

– able to write a good content


– Always on top of the trend with any issues

– Great research, analysing, and problem solving

  • Copywriter

Job Description

Create interesting adcopy (caption) for Instagram & Linkedin content

– Create adcopy for Mhysa’s program

– Put the suitable hashtags for content & implement SEO


– Familiar with Google Drive, Sheets, and Docs

– Excellent writing skill in different styles

– Keen knowledge about spelling and grammar

Special Requirements for LinkedIn Coordinator,

TikTok Content Creator, Graphic Designer, Content

Planner, and Copywriter

Fast response

– Able to work in team

– Able to work underpressure

– follow ig mhysa,

– students at any major

– flexible time

– have portfolio

Marketing Manager LOA

Job Description

– Create, develop, plan, and maintain marketing strategies (campaigns, digital, physical, etc)

– Generate innovative ideas to promote our brand

Research market to identify new opportunities and keep track of competitor movement and market situation

– Set specific marketing goals that align with the overall direction and business goals


– Fast response

 – Able to work underpressure students at any major (max smt.7)

– Interested in marketing development

Understand the NGO environment

– Creative, innovative, and adaptive

  • Marketing Staff

Job Description

– Collaborate on creating quarterly marketing planning

– Conduct market research & customer persona analysis

– Execute the marketing strategies


– Fast response 

– Able to work underpressure students at any major (max smt.6) 

– flexible time 

– Interested in marketing development

– Creative, innovative, and adaptive

External Relations Dept.

  • Business Development Manager

Job Description

– Plan and develop the overall business development strategy

– Design and develop strategic development strategies and plans

– Conduct complex analysis in order to find new market opportunities

– Revenue goals setting


– Adaptive & innovative

– Eager to learn

– Understand business trends

– students at any major (max smt.6)

  • Business Development Staff

Job Description

– Analyzing customer feedback data to determine whether customers are satisfied with company products and services.

– Conducting market research to identify new business opportunities

– Providing insight into product development and competitive positioning.

– Become moderator/MC in our program


– Adaptive & innovative

– Eager to learn

– Understand business trends

– students at any major (max smt.6)

English Class Dept.

  • Product Designer Manager

Job Description

– Analyze and research about market & product

– Plan and prioritize product feature and development for the product

– Define product vision, road-map and growth opportunities

– Watch consumer trends to identify desirable product traits

– Develop strategical plan and potential product for English Class


– Decent English proficiency

– Proactive and creative

– Have good problem analyzing and solving skills

– Critical thinker

– Responsive

– Undergraduate students from any major (max. smt 7)

– Eager to learn

Mhysa Learning punya tujuan besar, mewujudkan siswa-siswi Indonesia menjadi pribadi yang lebih percaya diri, terutama dalam menunjukkan kemampuan dan ketidakmampuannya. Bersama kalian, kami yakin tujuan tersebut dapat lebih mudah untuk dicapai.

Yuk gabung bersama kita dan wujudkan SDG #4 untuk Indonesia!

Periode pendaftaran mulai 8 Januari 2021 – 15 Januari 2021 dan dengan periode magang selama 6 BULAN

Daftarkan diri kamu dan ajak teman kamu di link di bawah ini:

Info Magang Di Kementerian Luar Negeri, Info Magang Mahasiswa 2020, Info Magang Malang, Info Magang Makassar, Info Magang Di Medan